Bringing access to all.
The Office of Student Accommodations (OSA) supports academic and personal achievement by authorizing accommodations for students with permanent and temporary disabilities at West Virginia University and all of its campuses.
The Office of Student Accommodations (OSA) supports academic and personal achievement by authorizing accommodations for students with permanent and temporary disabilities at West Virginia University and all of its campuses.
Get the help you need to accomplish anything.
Academic accommodations can include everything from assistive technology, to testing accommodations, to captioning and interpreting services.
Academic accommodationsHousing accommodations are also available. If you have needs that require special housing arrangements, we can help.
Housing accommodationsTransportation accommodations include a shuttle service between buildings on WVU campuses to ease mobility to and from class.
Transportation accommodationsLooking for more information about accommodations? Check out the list of accommodations.
Resources to help you excel.
OSA provides the a variety of services for students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, including American Sign Language Interpreting, Live Captioning/Transcribing, and Closed Captioning.
Deaf/Hard of HearingAssistive Technology includes alternative formatting of course materials and Assistive software, including screen readers, screen magnifiers, text-to-speech software, speech-to-text software, and notetaking software.
Assistive TechnologyThe West Virginia University Office of Student Accommodations Testing Center helps instructors administer exams, tests, and quizzes, for students with authorized testing accommodations.
Testing CenterOpportunities for students, faculty, and staff.
The Accessibility Student Advisory Group advises, influences, and improves OSA's programs and operations.
Accessibility Student Advisory GroupThe Autism Support Program (ASP) at West Virginia University provides support, strategies, and programming individualized to the strengths, abilities, and needs of each student served.
Autism Support ProgramA legacy of equal access.
OSA has been so supportive throughout my past year. I believe that without OSA, my grades would not have improved the way they did. I'm glad I know about OSA and how helpful it really is to students.
Accommodations have allowed me to really be able to take in knowledge without having to worry about missing any information.
I was able to graduate summa cum laude because of the Office of Student Accommodations. I would not have been able to maintain my GPA of 3.9 if not for this resource. Additionally, I received several scholarships I would not have had access to otherwise.